Friday, April 11, 2014
We made it to the weekend!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Day 9 and new house!

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Friday day 4
SOoooo today i had to work. I was worried because most of my coworkers eat junk. Wouldn't ya know an hour after arriving my boss comes begging me to eat some of the donuts he brought. I resisted!! Though it was hard. I packed what i thought was plenty of food but i was damn hungry by time to go home
Friday, April 4, 2014
3 days down (thursday )
For breakfast i started by accidently cheating.. kind of on purpose. One aspect of whole30 is to change the way we view food. To see it more as fuel than eating for pleasure. This is especially hard for me because i love food. I made banana pancakes using only banana, eggs,and cinnamon. All of the ingredients are whole 30 compliant BUT you're not supposed to make faux unhealthy foods. I didnt know this until i had already planned to make them so i went ahead and made them anyway

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Day 2 foods
Whole 30
Yesterday began my first whole30. It is a program designed to get our bodies healthy, eliminate toxins, and detox from sugar. During the course of the whole30 you eat no grains, sugar, alcohol, or legumes. By sugar i mean no sugar, honey, syrup, stevia, xylitol, etc. NO sweeteners of any kind except for limited amounts of pure unsweetened fruit juice. For more info on whole30 visit
Day one breakfast: eggs and paleo cereal with unsweetened almond milk